Friday, 4 April 2008

Tourism shutdownI

Hmm... sometimes I wonder if some ministers really think before they speak...

The tourism ministry is cancelling all federal sponsored tourism events... sheesh... do they really know what they are doing? Is the federal govt trying to gain back the confidence of the rakyat in those states or are they trying to push us away even further???

AO was mentioned in the Star yesterday as saying "On PKR, DAP and PAS’ decision to form Pakatan Rakyat, she said it would not last long given their different policies, unlike Barisan which had the same manifesto for all." Yeah... and that same manifesto allowed the opposition to take 82 seats in the parliament.... right... smart girl, she...

She also mentioned: “Politics is a marriage of convenience. Politicians can say anything they want to gain the people’s support." Right... I wonder what she is doing right now? This is what I call a serious case of the Foot-in-Mouth disease.

Is it me or is the govt's dealings with the rakyat getting from bad to worse?!

Don't get me started on the khalwat thingie... 'nuff said. Sighs...

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